Thursday, August 22, 2013

Laduree Macaroons New York City


if you ever plan a visit to NYC , this is one place you will want to put on your "things to do" list.   there is only one Laduree in the US and its right in my town.  I have never had a macaroon and finally decided it was time.  
ok, ok i can't lie! it was the hello kitty collaboration with Laduree last year that had me rush in to see if there was anything left to purchase lol.  

now that the truth is out lets continue.

the store is located on the upper east side.  on 864 Madison avenue between 70th and 71st streets.   
take the #6 to 68th hunter college 

 the famous Laduree Macaroons are imported from Paris daily.  at 2.80 a piece they are well worth the fee.  The outer shell is crisp and fresh and the inner is creamy and full of flavor.  
of course other pastries and sorbet are sold here as well as candles, makeup, and few other lovely gift items. 


lovely gift prices for additional fee. next time i will purchase them in a gift box


( hello kitty seems to be everywhere these days even at Laduree.  Im not complaining)  



flavors below noix de coco, vanille, caramel a la fleur de sel, citron, pistache, chocolat pure origine de ghana, fleur de cerisier

my favorite were the coconut , the chocolate and caramel


  hope you enjoyed this stop to the upper east side... lets see where we'll be off to next  ;p

1 comment:

  1. OMG! This is going on my TO DO LIST! I've never experienced macaroons either, but it seems like just about EVERY cooking show features macaroons, especially Sweet Genius! I absolutely loved your YouTube Video: "How To Eat A Macaroon" and I'm so glad you've introduced me to Laduree!!!
