Tuesday, September 18, 2012



Ok so after a VERY long party hiatus i'm actually going out. 

So I figured I have to do it up and make myself look HAUTE.   That requires a wicked smokey eye which needs a what?! a really kick ass BLACKEST BLACK eye liner.

After much research, on my favorite website sephora.com, I decided on the TARTE water proof clay eyeliner. 

This eyeliner is VERY black.  Its glides on so nicely, very creamy and pigmented  WOW, its lovely I was loving it.  It comes with a dual sided brush and retails for 22 US dollars. (the brush is just ok, does the job if you dont own one)  It also stood in place ALL day it did not budge on me at all.  I have very oily lids and normally liners will transfer onto my eye lids, this did not.

However sadly for some reason my eyes did NOT react well to this liner.  If you have highly sensitive eyes like myself proceed with caution!

After application my eyes started to get slightly red and as the day went by my lids began to get puffy.  Now please do note everyone will react to things differently.  So I do not want to dissuade anyone from trying this liner.  I feel it necessary to share so you know what may occur.  If it weren't for the pesky irritation,  I would totally rock this liner.  I really liked the look it created.

My eye becoming irritated


After removal of the liner my lids were puffy


  1. Aww, I'm sorry to hear that your eyes were so sensitive to the product! Have you tried washing your brush? Maybe it's not the eyeliner? Hopefully it works out for you!

    & you're so right about wearing black when going out. Even after watching 28381.45 YouTube tutorials, I STILL can't do a smokey eye. Haha this is terrible! xx

    1. lmao how many tutorials?!?! haha thats funny. Neither can i thats why i just do the liner and thats it.
      OOF i didnt think of that! ohmygoodness you are a genius i did NOT wash the brush! I may have to rewrite this post. Thank you my amiga=friend
